Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vinod Sharma - Courageous Relative Truth Seeker.

Anna Hazare IS a Corrupt & Dishonest man .

I have CD video proof that he paid only 45 paise for 50 Paise cup of Tea in March of 1989 and failed to declare his vast assets of 2 Charpai & 2 Lantern in that same year.

I have had this video analysed by a Top Govt Agency which releases the best selling Porn CD's of this country and they have confirmed the CD is a 100 % authentic fake.

I have over 100 + years of journalistic experience out which 99 years were spent standing outside Madam's office.

I am determined to publish the *Relative Truth even in the face of virulent criticism. Stay - Tuned.

-Vinod Sharma Political Editor Hindustan Times.

*Relative Truth also known as complete BS in my parallel journalistic universe.